Songs Without Words - Chronicles


 1. Songs Without Words

 2. The Holy Stone - Legend of Carnelia

 3. The Sealed Stone Chamber

 4. A Faint Light in the Depths of Darkness

 5. Lilium Tears

 6. ある雨の日に。 - On One Rainy Day.

 7. The Legends of Fantasia

 8. Rosa

 9. Rondo of the Witches - But What That Is Not (On Umineko)

10. Adagietto of Hearts

11. Allegro of Hearts

12. Voices of Angels - Prelude

13. Voices of Angels - Interludium

14. Voices of Angels - Finale

15. 自分らしく生きる - Finding Purpose in Oneself

16. Shayou (The Setting Sun)

17. Liszt's Final Year of Pilgrimage, 1886

18. Les Ondines

19. Les Ondines (Piano)

20. Polarized {=}0{=} Butterflies

21. Dr. Watson - Between Science and Magic

22. Extras in the Vault Room

23. Summer's End

24. Metaphorical Love in Snowy Winter

25. Chloe Best Girl c(>_<o)

26. I Don't Want to Work Anymore

27. In the Mood

28. Pleiades, for Takashi Yoshimatsu

29. End of Story - 今日も雪が降り続く。

30. Curtain Call

Release Date
